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Saat ini tidak lagi bekerja di Bengkel APPeK
Rebecca Norris is a full-time freelance writer living in the DC metro area who has worked in beauty editorial for seven years. Previously, she was the Beauty Editor for Brit + Co. She joined the Byrdie team as a nail expert in 2019 and contributes to a number of lifestyle publications. She is a graduate of George Mason University. There, she earned her B.A. in Media: Production, Consumption, and Critique, along with a minor in Electronic Journalism.
Data Pendidikan disini. Selanjutnya ini hanya dummy. from George Mason University with a B.A. in Media: Production, Consumption, and Critique, along with a minor in Electronic Journalism.
Bengkel Advokasi Pemberdayaan dan Pengembangan Kampung
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Kami adalah Organisasi Berbadan Hukum, Perkumpulan Nirlaba yang Melakukan Fasilitasi dan Implementasi Langsung dalam Rangka Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Rentan, Perempuan, dan anak pada Komunitas Desa-Kelurahan, serta Pengembangan TKLD di Berbagai Level.